
HCS Teacher Work Days/Staff Development
July 25 – 31

HCS First Student Day – August 1

Office Hours:

The HEA office is normally open on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10 am until 5 pm. The administrative assistant, Ms. Bonnie Edmondson, can be reached in the office at 256 -533-7570 or via email (hsvedu@bellsouth.net). The office email will be monitored and checked several times per day between the hours of 8 am – 5 pm.

If you are an HEA member in need of assistance, you can reach UniServ Director Mr. Richard Mathis by phone (256-585-7929) or by email (richardm@alaedu.org). HEA members can also reach the President, Ms. Bonnie Garrett, via email (bonniegarrett14@gmail) or by phone (256-701-4725).

In the event of an afterhours emergency, HEA members should call AEA Headquarters at 1-800-392-5839 and ask for Field Services.

Huntsville Education Association 

Educators, Support Personal, and Administrators working together:

  • For the Welfare of School Children

  • The Advancement of Education

  • The Improvement of Educational Opportunities for All

Through our collective voice the Association empowers employees of Huntsville City Schools to speak to matters pertaining to education and to present their individual and common interests before the school board, and community.

Huntsville Education Association is an affiliate of the Alabama Education Association and the National Education Association.

The Huntsville Education Association serves approximately 1700 members. Services are provided for Teachers, Educational Support Professionals, and Administrators.

Teachers, Administrators, and many fields of Educational Support Professional stand shoulder to shoulder to form one of the largest local professional organizations in Alabama. Their job is to represent and be available to members, increase membership, and create opportunities to enhance professional development.

Each school and work site is allowed to elect association representatives at a ratio of 1 representative for every 10 members in that location. They are available to assist members and to be an advocate for our association. There are regularly scheduled representative assembly meetings each month at our local HEA Office. These are usually held on the first Thursday of every month. HEA is governed by an elected Board of Directors consisting of certified and support members and led under the President’s direction. The board members are elected from the general membership at a ratio of 1 Board position for every 100 members ensuring equitable representation for support and certified members. The HEA Board also makes every effort to assure that minority representation on the board is equal to the minority representation of the general membership.

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